Lia Honda of Brewster is a proud participant in the Honda
Environmental Leadership Program


We’re committed to a cleaner, greener future. With support from Honda’s Environmental Leadership Program, we’re making changes across our business that reduce our impact on the planet.

We’re working to reduce our energy usage, manage water better, and upgrade our operations and facilities to be more sustainable.

Together with hundreds of dealers across the country, everything we do contributes to helping Honda achieve carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities by 2050.


Water Conservation Badge Recipient

Saving water matters to the environment, so it matters to us. We received the Water Conservation Badge by significantly reducing our use of water. We’re tracking how much water we use, and have implemented low-flow/low-flush fixtures. Other ways to control dealership water use include upgrading landscaping with smart irrigation technologies, and using reclaimed water. In the big picture, using less water also uses less energy to produce and transport it to our business.